Monday, September 12, 2005

Day Twelve: Nomination Accepted

Finally, all the waiting around and second guessing is over. Nominations have closed for CF Elections and I am on the ballot against 15 others.Now seems the right time to set out why I am standing.

I believe CF forms an important part of the Conservative Party. Young people need a way to get involved. However, success relies upon having a full team committed to working hard.

I am determined to see the way CF works changing. There is a lot to be gained by being more professional in our outlook. Having a definite plan of what we each want to achieve is vital. I want to see change in three areas;
  1. Website and e-campaigning - As a national organisation of 15,000 members, Conservative Future lacks a central focus. When targeting Under 30’s in the 21st century, the Internet is the future. (Link)
  2. Working Life - There is huge potential for growth amongst non-students. Special events and training will help to recruit and retain Working Life members. (Link)
  3. Reforming CF - To achieve more as an organisation and serve our members better, we need to change certain things. This involves simple changes to how the organisation works to inject a bit of professionalism that other parts of the party take for granted. (Link)

A copy of the full detailed manifesto will be available on the Conservative Future website shortly.


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