Saturday, September 24, 2005

Day Twenty Four: The morning after the night before

Sleep! For the first time in a week I get a full night's sleep with no work to go to. Thinking back to last night (and I filmed much of it so there is proof) the evening was a bit of a dissapointment. The huge slate of candidates meant that no-one could have made a decision with the fairly pointless 90-second speeches.

However, there were a few general pointers. Candidates who came across as fairly normal and relaxed in what they were saying did well.

My good friend Claire Palmer went for something totally different and just chatted from the front of the room, whereas some others believed that they were shadow cabinet ministers and needed to convince the world of their own self-importance!!

Among the Chairmen candidates there seems to be a tough decision to make. Do we go for someone who is fairly cool and charismatic, or a hard worker, or someone who is well connected, or someone with good ideas? Sadly there was no one candidate with all these qualities.

I am tempted to go for the hard worker - CF can't afford another slow year. There are four years to get everything in place for a general election contribution involving lots of young people, this will take some hard work. Whoever you vote for be convinced that they'll give you twelve months of hard work and that they at least know what they are doing.


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