Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Day Thirteen: Revisiting the campaign trail

My FULL MANIFESTO is now posted on the CF website.

In Sutton tonight meeting up with the CF guys there for the first time since the election. We spent months delivering leaflets and canvassing to try and dent the Lib Dem majority - with some success. However, we need to change the way we campaign.

Other parties are better organised for mobilising larger numbers of activists. Better communication involving gathering reliable information about our members and using it properly is a simple step, but one that seems to have passed us by. Changing the initial information we gather will help us keep in contact with our members and may do something to slow the dramatic loss of CF members after University.

As well as reforming the way we currently do business we should also explore new ways of getting our message out there. E-campaigning in this country lags behind the U.S, even though an increasing number of people, especially the under-30s that form our membership have easy access to the internet. Already we have an advantage, a website that leads its closest rivals - but by committing to an e-campaigning strategy it is possible to go a step further.


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