Day Twenty Seven: A final message:
Tuesday before the count, if you were lucky enough to receive a ballot, now is the time to send it in.
I was lucky to be able to talk to a lot of you over the past month about what I wanted to do for CF. I met up with some old friends and made some new ones along the way.
I am convinced that this generation of young Conservatives is as good as any that has gone before it, and if we can harness that raw talent and enthusiasm then the Conservatives will have a bright future.
I have strong ideas of what I want to do as a member of the Exec. Work needs to start now to have in place a solid e-campaigning strategy by the next General Election in 2009. We also need to turn the part of CF that targets non-students, 'Working Life', into a quality organisation that attracts the older generation of CF activists and prepares them to fight and win elections.
I would not ask for your votes if I was not sure that I knew what I wanted to do, and was prepared to work hard for the next twelve months.
The detailed proposals are set out in my manifesto and are discussed a bit more on this blog, take some time to have a look at them, and if you share my passion for trying to turn this organisation around then I would be honoured to have your support.
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