Day Twenty Eight: Thank you
The count is tomorrow at CCHQ and its too late to go scrounging for more votes. Just time to say thanks to all the wonderful people who have really helped and supported me.
To the copywriters on who contacted me with kind messages of support and who forwarded on the campaign email. Thanks guys you really made the difference.
To Richard Willis and Lizzie Fison, thanks for your kind endorsements, they really lifted the site.
To Tom Stoddart and Zoe Aldwych, thanks for nominating me, wouldn't even have got this far without your help.
Claire Palmer, you have been a star, a real source of support throughout, good luck for Thursday.
To my fellow candidates, you all seem to have managed to behave yourself. Not much cut throat back-stabbing which must be a first for a Conservative election. (All except that one pleb who is working on a Chairman candidates campaign and who decided to spam the site, yes I DO know who you are - grow up. It's no surprise you find it so difficult to get a girlfriend.)
The election has been great excuse to get in touch with old friends and for shamelessly making some new ones. Thanks to everyone who has pledged their support and for the (sometimes very) nice things you have said. We'll see what tomorrow holds, but I have enjoyed the campaign immensely whatever happens.
Finally, thanks to Sarah Southern our embattled National Organiser. Goodness knows why you are still sticking with the job, but I know all the members appreciate your (solidly non-partisan) efforts on our behalfs.
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