Day Thirty: The end of the campaign

Spent a pleasant but tired evening propping up the bar next to CCHQ. The other exec guys were there and we made a good start on working as a team, but of course there is a lot of work to do.
Chatting to some of the other CF guys there it was clear that lots of people aren't happy. Some have given up on CF as an organisation, others were peeved that they couldn't even vote (I know I was one of them).
For this year the key must be to begin setting out a strategy that will take us into 2009 and winning a general election. If this year's exec can put in place measures that will leave a legacy then we will have succeeded in our main role.
Well done to all of them. The exec race wasn't a nasty affair, and in fact I quite liked my fellow candidates. I will be in touch with those who weren't successful to find out more about their ideas and to make sure no good initiatives are left behind.
Hope to have another blog for the year to keep me accountable and to let people see what is going on. Watch this space!!!